IA : "GPT mon humanité !" - VivaIssy 2023

VivaIssy: The festival of digital daring from 4 to 13 June 2023, organised by Issy Média and the town of Issy-les-Moulineaux.


Which AI model do we want to see emerge and develop in Europe?


In the world of Tech, major trends systematically break through in successive waves... The year 2023 will undoubtedly see the massive spread of new uses linked to Artificial Intelligence! From ChatGPT to Midjourney, the debate today is no longer being led exclusively by experts, evangelists or technophiles, but is now having an impact on everyone's day-to-day lives...

While an educational exercise on the origins, challenges and future implications is more than necessary, for companies and individuals alike, one central question remains: What AI model do we want to see emerge and develop in Europe?

For economic players, the technological breakthroughs enabled by AI will radically change the game in all areas of activity. It will be imperative to embrace this upheaval and even rethink part of the value chain. And that means realising right now that not all technologies are created equal. The whole economic, financial and environmental landscape will be turned upside down...

It is crucial to realise that this is a decisive momentum for Europe! It's about preserving our values, languages, cultures and civilisational choices for the long term...

For the occasion, we have brought together some of those who have been working on these issues for a long time. We invite you to come and meet them, to exchange ideas and to make the most of this time of anticipation in your own context of action, in business and as a citizen.





Businessman, Author   
Co-chairman of the Conseil National du   


Self-taught, passionate about new technologies and general political and social issues, Gilles Babinet has been an entrepreneur since the age of 22. He has founded a number of companies in fields as diverse as consulting (Absolut, Laitao), construction (Escalade Industrie), mobile music (Musiwave), co-creation (eYeka) and decision-making tools (Captain Dash).

The author of several books, including "Big data, penser l'homme et le monde autrement", "L'Ère Numérique, un nouvel âge de l'humanité" and "Refondre les politiques publiques avec le numérique", his latest, published on 10 May 2023, is entitled "Comment les hippies, Dieu et la science ont inventé Internet".

Since 2021, Gilles Babinet has been Co-Chairman of the French National Digital Council (CNNum). He is also a Master's professor at Science Po Paris ("Numérique et politiques publiques") and has been France's Digital Champion at the European Commission since 2012.


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Foresight expert, Consultant, Lecturer  
Co-founder of Brightness and TEDxParis


The author of several methodological essays on foresight and storytelling, Michel Lévy-Provençal is a lecturer at SciencesPo and a regular columnist for Les Echos.

He brought the TED conferences to France in 2009, founding and organising TEDxParis for 10 years. An entrepreneur since 1999, he has co-founded a number of companies in the finance, media (Rue89), technology and consulting sectors (Brightness).

An engineer trained in scenario planning and disruptive innovation at Oxford's Saïd Business School and Singularity University, he is an active member of several international innovation communities, including TED, Thinkers50, House of Beautifull Business, ExO and Boma.


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Expert content moderation,
Internet governance, Web3,   
AI regulation


An expert in metavers and Web3, Leïla is European Program Manager for Project Liberty, an initiative launched by Franck McCourt to "build new foundations for the digital society". Leïla is also General Delegate of the Fédération francophone du futur, which aims to capitalise on new ethical technologies to imagine and build the Francophonie of tomorrow.

Leïla is an expert in the Geopolitics of Artificial Intelligence and a researcher at the Content Policy and Society Centre at Stanford University.

Specialising in the digital transformation of government and public services, she is currently working on content moderation issues, looking for more ethical artificial intelligence moderators that respect the values and principles chosen by the populations concerned.


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President of the Institut des Droits
Digital Fundamentals (IDFRights), 
Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2019


Jean-Marie CAVADA is a French and European journalist, media personality and politician. He was a Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2019, President of the European Movement - France from 2011 to 2016 and President of the Génération citoyens (GC) movement since 2015. In 2011, he was recognised as the most influential French MEP in the European Parliament.

As a journalist, for generations of television viewers he produced and hosted the programme "La marche du siècle", which was broadcast for years on public service channels. Jean-Marie CAVADA was also President of Radio France from 1998 to 2004 and was involved in the creation of France 5.

Since 2020, Jean-Marie CAVADA has been Chairman of the INstitut des Droits Fondamentaux Numériques, the IDFRights, committed to defending human rights in the digital environment (individual and collective), and protecting the economic sovereignty of companies. He has also been Chairman of the Press Neighbouring Rights Society (DVP) since 2022.


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Managing Director
Digital New Deal - Think Tank


Arno Pons is General Delegate of the Digital New Deal, a think tank that works with political and economic decision-makers to create a "digital 3rd way".

A former consulting executive (Saatchi & Saatchi, 5ème Gauche, Herezie Group), Arno has been advising major groups and institutions on their digital transformation strategies for 15 years.

Arno also teaches at the School of Management and Innovation at Science Po Paris on the issues of digital sovereignty and the centralisation of power by Big Tech.





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