A 3rd digital path in Europe will involve Artificial Intelligence.

Our 2 co-founders Alexandre Zapolsky and Michel-Marie MAUDET took off for Germany as part of the DLD Conference AI Summit in Munïch to take part in a series of workshops and conferences to meet their German counterparts.

As with the monetary/economic/political construction of Europe, the 3rd digital way forward in Europe requires a driving Franco-German couple, and our entrepreneurs must also play their full part!

As with any relationship, it involves a significant investment of time over the long term, with the emphasis first and foremost on the human element, shared convictions and a common vision.

Obviously, the question of alternatives in terms of LLM and other AI models to be built in Europe based on this foundation of common and societal values that we share will be at the heart of the discussions.

A 3rd digital route in Europe will involve AI.


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